Choosing Unique Lamp Shades
If you’re looking for a lamp shade that’s different from the norm, you’ve come to the right place. You can choose from unique lamp shades that feature classic wallpaper designs or modern pieces that incorporate a more contemporary style. For example, the Cole and Son “The Woods” lamp shade has an oatmeal linen exterior that goes well with a nature-themed decor theme. This lamp shade’s interior features a monochrome landscape, which shows through the sides when it’s on. And because the shades come in a variety of sizes, you can match the shade to the size of the room.
Baroque lamp shade
A Baroque lamp shade can elevate the style of any room. Using wood, metal, or fabric, these shades can be as old as the 18th century or as new as the 20th. Because they are so popular, many designers have produced them over the years. However, the Chelini …
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