Understanding Fire Extinguisher Classes
Fire extinguisher classes vary greatly. A standard fire extinguisher has a size rating of between one and six hundred square feet. If you have a fire in your home, you need a fire extinguisher that is rated as a Class B. However, it is important to note that some fires fall outside of this range. If you have to make a decision between two types of fire extinguishers, you should understand what each one is capable of doing.
Class A
There are three main types of fire: flammable liquids, combustible solids, and explosions. Each type requires a different type of fire extinguisher. A Class A fire is the most common. This type of fire spreads quickly, and firefighters need the proper equipment to combat it. In the United States, Class A fires are classified by the NFPA, while European countries use a different standard. However, they all share the same …
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